Attitudes, Behaviors, and Intentions
One of the challenges we face in evaluating the success of the Young Clergy Initiative is our primary outcome of interest – to “increase the number of young clergy among the jurisdictional conferences” – may not fully come to fruition for a number of years given the long road to ordination many YCI participants will still have to travel. As we wait for a measurement of our primary outcome of interest, we can measure attitudes, behaviors, and intentions as early indicators of success.

Project Participants
Project Participants are required to complete surveys to measure attitudes, behaviors, and intentions related to ordained ministry at the beginning and end of their project experience. All participant surveys must be submitted online. Participant responses are anonymous though they will indicate which project they are participating in.
Future gathering of influencers, recipients, and others interested in discussing what we’re learning from the Young Clergy Initiative and what next steps we can take together.